Monday, December 1, 2008

World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day. It may be hard for some of us to imagine the implications that come with the spread of HIV. In our everyday life the vast majority of us don't come in contact with someone who is infected. None the less, there are communities in Africa where around 60% of the population is HIV positive. Imagine your class, we'll say 20 people-12 of your classmates would be infected, 12 out of 20. That number should cause you to think.

Think-that's all I am asking. Not to donate money, not to volunteer your life to eradicate HIV, not to buy every trendy silicone bracelet that promotes awareness; just think. Think about battling everyday, think about 60%, think about 22.5 million people (roughly the combined populations of NC, SC and GA) in Sub-Saharan Africa that live with HIV. On this World AIDS Day, just think. This virus does not have to spread to even one more person. Through responsibility and good decision making, the virus could be stopped in its tracks.

The SCC Multicultural Club has put together a presentation with facts regarding the effects HIV has on the World, Africa and our very own state. If you think this is something that will not come close to home; THINK AGAIN! North Carolina's rate of new infection is 41% higher than the national average. This issue is very much alive and well at home.

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